Payroll Errors? Let the Experts Fix it Fast

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Payroll errors happen, but they don’t have to halt your small business. Even minor mistakes in payroll can be frustrating, time-consuming, and potentially costly if not fixed correctly. QuickBooks Payroll customer support provides the fast fixes you need from knowledgeable experts.

Rather than getting bogged down handling payroll errors yourself, rely on Intuit’s payroll pros to diagnose issues and get your payroll back on track ASAP.

Common payroll errors and issues

There are a variety of payroll mistakes or problems that can pop up, including:

Calculation Errors

  • Incorrect tax withholdings
  • Mistakes in deductions, net pay, benefits, or reimbursements
  • Overtime hours were miscalculated.
  • Salary amounts are not computed accurately.

Compliance Issues

Errors in tax payments, filings, or W-2s

  • Missed tax deadlines
  • Incorrect tax IDs or rates used

Syncing Problems

  • Data mismatches between payroll and accounting
  • Integration failures with other software
  • Duplicate transactions or entries

Stuck Processes

  • Pay runs are getting stuck or failing.
  • Direct deposit or checks not depositing
  • Lost pay stubs or financial data

Employee Information Mistakes

  • Wrong employee details like pay rates, benefits, or deductions
  • Adding or terminating employees incorrectly

Don’t waste time troubleshooting yourself.

Trying to fix payroll errors personally can be a painful trial-and-error process, especially for more complex issues related to taxes, syncing, or year-end tasks.

Save yourself the headaches and frustration—let the certified QuickBooks Payroll experts provide fast resolutions.

Leverage payroll-specific training.

Intuit support staff undergo rigorous training on U.S. payroll laws and compliance across federal, state, and local levels. Their expertise goes far beyond your own knowledge.

Diagnose and point out problems quickly.

Support technicians have specialized tools and access to payroll logs that help them rapidly identify the root causes of errors. They know how to troubleshoot quickly.

Walk You Through Repair Steps

In many cases, agents can fix errors directly or walk you through the necessary steps on your end. Either way, you get a quick resolution.

Avoid costly mistakes.

Having payroll specialists handle errors means issues get resolved correctly the first time. You avoid potential tax penalties or other problems.

Quick Fixes for Common Payroll Mistakes

Here are some examples of how the pros can provide fast fixes for typical payroll issues:

Wrong tax withholding amount

Support looks at employee profiles and confirms the correct tax setup. Any outdated or incorrect information is updated to fix calculations.

Payroll won’t sync to accounting.

Techs check integration settings, account mappings, and transaction flows to identify and resolve sync problems.

Error in Payroll Taxes

Support helps diagnose the tax error and then files corrections or amended returns on your behalf.

Employees Missing Pay Stub Info

Agents work with you to resend past pay stub data to employees via the payroll system.

Can’t Finalize Year-End Tasks

Experts provide step-by-step guidance to help complete W-2s, 1099s, and annual filings correctly.

Fast Support: When and How You Need It

QuickBooks Payroll customer service provides different options for fast support when errors require expert help.

24/7 phone and chat support

Connect with a support rep anytime day or night by calling +1 (888) 656-2109 or using live chat within Payroll.

Remote Screen Sharing

Allow support agents to access your payroll account directly to analyze issues and walk you through fixes.

Email Support

Get assistance via email when you have complex issues or need to send error logs or documents.

Don’t let payroll errors slow you down. Leverage QuickBooks Payroll customer support for the fast fixes and accuracy you need from true payroll experts.

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