How to Fix QBS Time Login Issue

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QuickBooks Time Login allows employees to track time and employers to manage time tracking all in one place. However, you may occasionally run into login issues that prevent access to these features. Here are some troubleshooting tips to get your QuickBooks Time login working again.

Benefits of Using QuickBooks Time Login

Before diving into fixes, let’s review why QuickBooks Time login is so useful:

  • Employees can log hours worked on jobs, projects, or tasks via a web browser or mobile app.
  • Managers can view and approve time logs to process payroll.
  • Integration with QuickBooks payroll streamlines processing.
  • Real-time visibility into time tracking for the whole team.
  • Configurable permissions to control employee access.
  • Reporting on employee utilization and productivity.

When functioning properly, QuickBooks Time provides seamless time tracking. Follow these troubleshooting steps if login issues arise.

How does QuickBooks Time Login work?

To troubleshoot issues, it helps to understand how QuickBooks Time login functions:

  • Employees are invited to the company time tracking account.
  • This creates a user profile with customized permissions.
  • Users sign in to QuickBooks Time using this dedicated login.
  • QuickBooks Online credentials do not provide time access.
  • Time tracking data synchronizes with QuickBooks payroll.
  • Admins manage user accounts, permissions, and app configuration.

With this overview in mind, let’s explore common login issues.

What are QuickBooks Time Login Issues?

QuickBooks Time users may encounter these common login issues:

  • Error messages when entering credentials.
  • Getting stuck on the loading screen.
  • The browser redirects back to the login page.
  • Wrong company displays after login.
  • I am not seeing any time tracking options after logging in.
  • Login succeeds, but data does not sync to QuickBooks.

These types of problems prevent employees from accessing time tracking features and managers from viewing time log data.

Common Causes of QuickBooks Time Login Issues

What causes these pesky login issues? Here are some of the most common culprits:

  • Incorrect user credentials were entered.
  • Loss of internet connectivity.
  • Using QuickBooks credentials instead of Time Login.
  • Browser compatibility problems like expired cookies.
  • The user account was not fully activated.
  • Outdated app or browser version.
  • QuickBooks sync is disconnected.
  • Corrupted browser cache or cookies.

Identifying the specific cause allows you to pinpoint the appropriate solution.

How to Fix QuickBooks Time Login Issues

Here are effective troubleshooting steps for the most frequent QuickBooks Time login problems:

I can’t log in due to invalid credentials.

  • Reset your Time password if it is forgotten.
  • Ensure you are entering the proper email tied to your Time user profile.

Get stuck on the loading screen.

  • Check that the internet connection is active and stable.
  • Try another browser or device to rule out browser incompatibility.
  • Disable browser extensions temporarily.

Redirects back to the login page

  • Clear browser history, cache, and cookies.
  • Whitelist the QuickBooks Time URL in browser settings.

Wrong company shows after login

  • Switch to the correct account using the company drop-down.
  • Contact admin to adjust account permissions.

No time tracking options display

  • Ask admin to confirm full user activation.
  • Make sure the user role has time-tracking permissions enabled.

Login works, but data does not sync.

  • Confirm the QuickBooks Online sync is still connected.
  • Reauthorize Time to reconnect with the QuickBooks account.

In most cases, time login issues can be resolved through simple troubleshooting techniques. But if problems persist, contact Intuit customer support for assistance getting Time login working properly again.


QuickBooks Time provides excellent time-tracking features when accessible. Bookmark these troubleshooting tips for resolving any login errors so employees can get back to logging hours and managers can monitor productivity. Reach out to QuickBooks support if login problems continue after trying these fixes. With a few simple steps, you can get seamless access to Time and enjoy the many benefits it offers.

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